Coming Soon

Matthew is one of those writers who works on multiple projects at the same time. See below for a few teasers about what you might be seeing from Matthew in the future

Secret Project #1

This novel is currently doing the rounds in competitions, and being sent to agents and publishers. It's been the love of my life for many years now, and I can't wait for you all to read it.

It's a YA contemporary fantasy book. I can't give too much away, but it's a dual POV book focusing on the lives of two teenagers who are struggling with the pressures of figuring out their identity, finishing school, and what comes next. The fantasy element is a magic lamp... I'll leave it at that for now!

Secret Project #2

I wrote the first draft of this book years ago, and I knew something wasn't right but I couldn't put my finger on what. In the years since, I've become a stronger writer and I can better see what was missing. I'm looking forward to rewriting it once I've figured out a few more details.

This is another YA fantasy, but this time, it's a portal adventure. A family goes through a portal and discovers a new world.

Secret Project #3

The last secret project I'll tell you about is another YA fantasy book I thought up almost a decade ago. I shudder when I read over what I thought was an amazing story back then, but soon, I'll turn it into something fabulous.

YA Sci-Fi Fantasy with a secret intergalactic conspiracy. Some of the ideas in this book were inspired by my love of Animorphs and Captain Planet as a child.